24 Jan

This Friday, January 27 is the day when hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers descend upon our nation's capitol in the 44th Annual March for Life.  It marks the first time since 2008 that this event will take place under a pro-life President.  I have been involved in the pro-life movement for decades through many administrations.  I am very glad we are blessed with a new President as solidly in our corner as President Trump.  However,when I contemplate the future possibilities of something as monumental as  the reversal of Roe v. Wade, for example, I admit to mixed feelings.  I am saddened and angered and hopeful.   

I am saddened by the reality of the past and the present day.  I am saddened that there even has to be a 44th march in D.C.  It is depressing that the grisly practice of legal abortion is still afflicting our land with the death and destruction of human babies and their mothers.  I am angered that after all these years Planned Parenthood is still spreading lies and dealing death including selling baby body parts to make a profit, and that our tax money still funds their evil.  Perhaps the most distressing of all tome is the fact that Roe v. Wade has not been reversed after all of this time.  This infamous decision was easily  the most flawed since 1857 and the Dred Scott decision.  Much like that decision it was flawed morally and constitutionally!  In the intervening five decades since Roe more than 60 million human beings have been slaughtered and multiple millions more women devastated and dead as well!  Is there more proof needed of the Pandora's Box of evil unleashed in 1973 with Roe and it's companion Doe v. Bolton?  We have “legally” killed ten times the amount of Jews Hitler killed in the Holocaust! This is the result of a decision that did not incorrectly interpret the Constitution, it added an imaginary extension to the Constitution, in effect amending it to create a right to abortion.  Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided in the first place.  To have it still in place in spite of that fact after 44 years is a testament to the power of liberal politics, and should be a steadfast shame to any who have or do support it.

Finally I am hopeful for the future.  I believe we can, if we remain strong,see a turning back of our current culture of death.  One of the first actions of President Trump was to reinstate the “Mexico City”policy which withholds federal funding from the International Planned Parenthood organization, or any other that facilitates abortion. That is all he can do by Executive Order, and it is a great start. If this Congress can, as the President favors, succeed in also removing federal funds from Planned Parenthood, we may even see that demonic organization begin to crumble.  That will be a joyful day indeed.  If, and it is a big if, these things do happen, perhaps we might even see the reversal of Roe. Of course, that will also mean another promise from the President needs to come to fruition.  The promise of a Constitutional Conservative justice appointed to the Supreme Court.  Should that happen as well,I will joyfully thank the LORD for this time and this man chosen as President!

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